Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What I read in 2015 and Goodreads

Between school, work, leadership roles in student organizations, applying to grad school and general life happenings, I was able to read 28 books this year. I was hoping to finish more but I am still happy to get 28 titles crossed off my never-ending list.

I originally had this post set up as just a list of the titles and authors but then my aunt posted her review of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt on Facebook right after I got back from the library from checking it out. Ironic, huh? She had her review from a site called Good Reads so I checked it out. Turns out it is pretty nifty. You can keep a list of what you have read, leave book reviews, get book recommendations based on genres you're interested in. You can also add friends and track their reads/reviews (if you want to add me, here is my profile.)

I decided to track my books on Good Reads instead of just giving you a list. I am already on my 5th 2016 read which is putting me in a better place than last year's reading list. You can see what I read in 2015 here.

Of the 28 I read, here is my list of 2015 favorites/recommendations.

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