Wednesday, March 2, 2016

DIY Thumbtacks

I am going to share another project that I made a few years ago. I made these thumbtacks long before I started this blog but I still use them and enjoy their bright little pop of patterns and color. Made with those little glass gems that some people use to fill vases and recycled bits of magazine paper, this project is quick and low cost. I only had to buy the glass gems which cost me a dollar. 

These are great in my apartment to hold random stuff like coupons, mass schedules, receipts that I need reimbursed on, and other important things I don't want to lose. My bedroom in my apartment came equipped with a 4x4 foot bulletin board so I have plenty of space to use these. You can check this project out on my Kollabora too!

Glass vase gems (Found at Dollar Tree or a store's floral section)
Modge Podge
Paint Brush 
Flat Thumbtacks
Apoxy glue

Stored in a thrifted jar. 
How to:
1. Go through your magazines and rip out pages with tiny patterns that you like.
2. Cut out tiny circles about the size of a dime from the pattern.
3. Using the Modge Podge, glue the circles with the pattern side facing the flat side of the glass gems. Let dry.
4. Glue the thumbtacks* to wrong side of the paper circles using the apoxy glue. Let dry completely. 

I let my jar sit on my printed next to a massager and my current book reading pile.

*I have also done this successfully with magnets!

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